Subject: Re: VS3100 SCSI
To: J. Buck Caldwell <>
From: Stephen Bell <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/30/2001 11:04:39
  I've been thinking about much the same thing... the device ID's
  of each SCSI controller on the link need to be different, so linking
  two SCSI-B bus together won't work without changing at least one. 
  I'm not sure if these are jumper settable on the board, but would 
  guess it may be a simple h/w hack if they 're not.
  Initially linking to a pc may be easier since pc SCSI controller 
  device ids are often switchable.

On Tue, 29 May 2001, J. Buck Caldwell wrote:

> To this end, does anyone have 8 extra vs3100-special-SCSI -- to --
> standard SCSI cables? Hmm.. then again, I'd probably have to run ribbon
> cable to each internally, since the VS only provides an "out" port (so
> to speak).

out ports are the same as in ports :). But there is quite a length of 
cable inside a VS3100 so rewiring direct would probably be needed to keep the 
bus in spec over 8 machines.

As for the "special" connector, if the connector is on a 50 way cable
you can probably just cut it of and crimp on a std 50pin one from an 
electronics store. 
> I haven't checked, but I assume there are terminating
> resistors inside the case than can be removed on the "middle" systems?

Yep they must be there, should be easy to identify, and whip out.


> --
>  - J. Buck Caldwell
> Version: 3.12
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> !PE
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> ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------