Subject: Re: [SunRescue] Were to go for help
To: linc <>
From: Lord Isildur <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/29/2001 13:23:47
Do you think there's enough of us to risk splitting things? the port-vax 
list is quite lively and just about the only place (maybe comp.sys.dec) 
where one can find quite this concentration, quantity, and expertise of 
VAXheads. The occasional off-topic pmax or alpha related post usually is 
not flamed out of existence, either. 
If such a list does come into existence, how about mirroring it as a 
newsgroup? yes, usenet still exists, and most of the lusers have left it 
for web-ish things instead.. i'm mostly concerned that by fracturing the 
little community here (or potentially doing so) onto multiple lists, etc, 
that it will cause it to fade away. check out comp.sys.dec, i think a lot 
of the aim of this proposed list is covered there.. 
 just a concern to think about.. 

On Tue, 29 May 2001, linc wrote:

> On Tue, 29 May 2001, BSD Bob the old greybeard BSD freak wrote:
> > > 	Love this list for all the great sun help and advice but now I find
> > > myslef in need of digital help and advice, anyone know where I can find a
> > > list like this for digital equipment?
> > 
> > What kind of digital info.
> > 
> > This list has more DECies than would first appear.....(:+\\.....
> > (All right... how many of us grok VAXenspeek, MIPSlingo, and Alphaese?)
> Me :-)
> > 
> > I run half a dozen of the critters here in the office server farm
> > and at home,  right beside the Suntoyz.
> > 
> > Speak up... Bill probably won't mind....  We rescues Suntoyz, we rescues
> > DECtoyz... we rescues all kindsof *nix toys.....(:+}}.....
> > 
> > Bob
> I just talked with Brian Hechinger quickly and he said he would be
> interested in hosting just such a list for those of us also interested in
> DEC VAX, MIPS, ALPHA.  Expect to hear about it soon! :-)
> -Linc Fessenden
> -- 
>   1:39pm  up 41 days,  1:37,  5 users,  load average: 1.02, 1.14, 1.46