Subject: Re: RXV21 with 5.25 floppy
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/27/2001 22:54:41
On 27 May, James Lothian wrote:

> Some of the third party RX02 emulators used more standard setups,
> though, and worked with standard drives, so you might have more luck
> there. 
It is no original DEC RXV21. It is a third paty product, "MXV21" made by
"MDA". There is all the stuff on it to make it a complete controller.
Read/write circuit, 2 x AM2901 with all the AM29xx stuff around it,
TMS4044 SRAM, ... It has the usual 50 pin connector for 8" floppy
drives. If I plug it into one of my QBus VAXen it is shown as RXV21 by
the "show qbus" command. 

