Subject: Re: Installing on more than one harddisk
To: None <>
From: maximum entropy <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/27/2001 09:55:36
>Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 15:29:57 +0200 (CEST)
>On 27 May, maximum entropy wrote:
>> Once you have labeled the disk, writing the bootblocks is pretty
>> easy.  Or at least it should be; the man page for installboot in the
>> 1.5.1_BETA2 set is a little bit screwed up.
>Installboot? On the VAX 
># disklabel -B sd0
>should be enough.

installboot works just fine.  It's also considerably more available
across different NetBSD architectures.  Why teach somebody the old
way, when it's probably going to go away sometime very soon?

>> # mount /dev/sd0a /mnt
>I recommend:
># mount -o async /dev/sd0a /mnt
># mount -o softdep /dev/sd0a /mnt
>The same for /mnt/usr. This will speed up untaring a lot.

It will also slow you down a lot when softdeps crash your system and
you have to start over from scratch.  It's not a feature I'd recommend
to a beginner.

Async may be fine; in either case you're going to need to go get a cup
of coffee while this runs.

>> # ed fstab
>Uhhh, that is the hard way. I prefere
># export TERM=vt100
># vi /mnt/etc/fstab

Wimp :-)

entropy -- it's not just a good idea, it's the second law.