Subject: Re: New guy... (fwd)
To: linc <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/25/2001 16:50:19
On Thu, 24 May 2001, linc wrote:

> Thanks, however the documentation provided doesn't give the necessary
> amount of hand-holding required for the job.  I am sure it makes perfect
> sense to someone who has done it already, but not me :-)  I had a hard
> enough time creating a NetBSD helper disk to help installations on my
> Decstations.  In general I find the NetBSD documentation very out-of-date,
> lacking information (mostly in reference to being so out-of-date), and in
> some cases the info is jumbled into documentation for something else
> entirely.  Don't get me wrong - I thing NetBSD as an OS is fantastic..
> Just sucky documentation.  Sort of like Linux, only there is much less of
> it.

	Do you have a little time you would be willing to use to help
	fill in some of the documentation gaps?

	If you (or anyone! :) find anything missing or out of date, please
	email an update to If you are not sure what the
	correct answer is, ask on port-vax (or another list if it is not
	vax specific), and then mail in the update.

	NetBSD is a user supported system - many people do not have the
	time or inclination to submit code, but can help considerably on
	documentation, FAQs, manpages, and install notes.

	If anyone is interested in helping out more directly then we
	can always use more hands on, particularly those
	willing to help update the web and documentation directly.

		David/absolute		-- No hype required --