Subject: Re: New guy... (fwd)
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/25/2001 09:16:08
On 24 May, linc wrote:

> I am not afraid to ask at all, just afraid to keep getting that RTFM
> response...
It is more the type of question that provocates a RTFM. If you ask
unspecific questions of the type "How do I do it?" the answer will be
RTFM / RTFFAQ. If you ask "I read A and B, did C, D and E, then I get
error F and now I am stuck. Where is the mistake?" You will get a more
specific answer.

So to your net boot problem: 
create the dir /tftpboot/mop
copy boot.mop to it
make a symlink to boot.mop that is named <HWADDR>.SYS
<HWADDR> is the ethernet hardware addres of you VAX. You can see it by
typing "sh eth" at the boot prompt of newer VAXen. Or just run 
"mopd -ad" and start netbooting on the VAX. ("b xqa0" for your DELQA)
Then you will see the address in the debug output. 
Put somthing like
in your /etc/bootptab.
include somthing like 
/nfsroot -alldirs -maproot=root oblina
in /etc/exports.
extract base.tgz, etc.tgz and kern.tgz in /nfsroot/oblina, do a
"./MAKEDEV all" in /nfsroot/oblina/dev
start mopd, NFS and bootp (inet / /etc/inetd.conf) services and try to
boot the VAX.

