Subject: Re: VAX 6420: what KDB50 cabling? RA91 anywhere?
To: Gunther Schadow <>
From: Johnny Billquist <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/25/2001 08:25:10
On Thu, 24 May 2001, Gunther Schadow wrote:

> For those KDB50 I am afraid there are no cables shipped with those 
> boards, so I'm seeking advice on what is needed, where possibly to 
> get them or how to make those cables yourself?

Wonder if the connectors are compatible with the UDA-50 and KDA-50...

> Also, I've been 
> searching for the RA91 drive and didn't found anything, not even 
> with retailers. Where might one get that from?

Not surprised, since there is no such thing as a RA91.
The following SDI drives exist:
RA60, RA70, RA71, RA72, RA73, RA80, RA81, RA82, RA90, RA92.

If you'd like some more information on any of those drives, just ask.
The one with the largest capacity is the RA73.

System industries (among othes) also made SDI drives.

> Finally, we do have some reel tape lying around my office and
> I'd like to use it. What kind of reel tape drive is usually used
> with VAX 6000s, how connected? Is it worthwile or are those bad
> and flaky? How much capacity does such a reel have? I have never 
> seen any of those drives on eBay in the last 3 months or so that I'm 
> watching this.

Drives? Probably something hooked up to a HSC, such as a TA79 or
similar. 1600/6250 bpi. With 6250 you can get about 150 meg on a tape.

Ebay is not always the best place to look for stuff...


Johnny Billquist                  || "I'm on a bus
                                  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email:           ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive!                     ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol