Subject: Re: New guy... (fwd)
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/24/2001 23:26:57
On 24 May, linc wrote:

> Don't get me wrong - I thing NetBSD as an OS is fantastic..
> Just sucky documentation. 
Typical NetBSD users don't need doc beside a man page, they know
everything about Unix. It is exclusively for software wizards and Unix
gurus that have "The Plan (C) (R) (TM)". NetBSD is a Unix for real men,
not for wannabes or script kiddys. The lack of good doc is intended to
keep those unworthy subjects away. So you have to go through the hard
process of learning all this stuff and at some far day you will be guru
too. ;-)

Don't be afraid to ask if you are stuck. 


