Subject: Re: New guy...
To: linc <>
From: NetBSD Bob <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/24/2001 14:07:23
> > If anyone has some spare TK50 tape cartrides, I will be happy to
> > write some NetBSD/4.3BSD/Ultrix tapes for Linc, if he needs them.
> > My stock of spare tapes is mostly gone, so I am in the begging mode
> > for a few.
> I would GREATLY appreciate this!

OK, I need about half a dozen tapes to generate NetBSD, and related
tapes.  A minimun of two are needed for a boot/install tape set.
Plus, a 1.4.1 boot tape, just in case....
> > Ahhh.  MVIII cpu... good karma.  Not the slowest machine in the
> > world.  Medium speed, like a slow 3100 series machine.  3.x vups.
> I currently have a 3100m38 - is that comparable?

The M38 is 3.8 vups while the MVII is 2.8 vups.  About the same,
practically speaking.  At least it is not the 0.9 vup of the MVII
(or the 0.3 vups of an 11/730, or MVI.....(:+}}...).

What flavors actually run on an 11/730... just Ultrix?
