Subject: Re: It rained another VAX on me... will NetBSD run on it?
To: NetBSD Bob <>
From: Chuck McManis <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/17/2001 09:36:48
At 11:56 AM 5/17/01 -0400, NetBSD Bob wrote:
>The question is, will that KA660
>cpu and ram work correctly in the BA123 backplane?

Yes it will work fine.

>The problem
>would be in the s-handle plate bits.  IFF the cabkit on the BA123
>would do the trick, and I am thinking there is nothing out of the
>ordinary there, then that might be a nice upgrade to that box.

There are KA660 cab kits for the BA123 out there. They consist of three 
plates, a CPU console plate, and ethernet (thick and thin) plate, and a 
DSSI connector plate. All three plates are wired together and end up in a 
single ribbon cable that goes back to the CPU. They aren't real common.

>Anyone know if that would work?

Caveat the cab it, it would work fine.
