Subject: Re: It rained another VAX on me... will NetBSD run on it?
To: NetBSD Bob <>
From: Chuck McManis <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/16/2001 13:53:46
5/16/01 1:38:12 PM, NetBSD Bob <> wrote:
>> hello,
>> ultrix never ran on the 4000's... :( 
>In the interest of getting NetBSD up....
>> > It has a pair of M7622 ram boards for 32mb, and a M7626 processor,
>> > that appears to be a VAX 4000 of some kind, and sadly, dssi drives.
>What CPU's will work with these ram boards?  Any gotchas in backplanes?

The KA655 (aka MicroVAX 3800/3900), KA650 (aka MicroVAX 3500/3600), and KA640 (aka MicroVAX 3300/3400). The KA640 will even use the same 
cab kit so there :-).

>Is there some combo of boards I can wheedle together to get NetBSD or
>Ultrix up on the backplane/case?  Or, is it mostly a function of
>finding that proverbial mystical magickal lustful Qbus scsi board?

You can't get Ultrix up on it unless you downgrade the CPU to a KA655 at least (maybe as low as a KA650) and you will have to 'add back' an ethernet 
interface. (like a DESQA). However, with *ANY* MSCP disk board in their you can use NetBSD on it as is, so if you put a KFQSA (DSSI board) you can 
even run the same drives. If you plug in a Dilog DQ696 or something to run ESDI drives and cobble up an ESDI drive inside you can run that too, be 
aware however that DSSI power connectors don't work on 4 pin ESDI/MFM/SCSI drives, you need the little adapter cord (there is one on the TK70 in 
that box). I probably have a spare one but its no doubt in the bottom of a box somewhere.

>Heaven forbid, but, can I take the MVII boardset and stuff it in
>that backplane, and dongle/cable up ESDI drives internally to get
>my 4.3BSD breadboard VAX stuffed into some sort of cabinet?

PLEASE don't do that. You could, the cab kit I sent you will let you run the KA630 in the cabinet without any kludging, again you'll need an Ethernet 
card. However any BA2xx/BA4xx series ethernet with S-box handles will work. Heck, if you want I'll ship you a BA123 for your MV II if you'll send that bad 
boy this way :-) 

>Is it possible to use the dssi bus cabling as ordinary scsi, IFF
>I I only use two internal scsi drives, and remove the terminator
>plug, terminating the last drive on the drive?  It seems to be
>only a straight 50 pin cable, otherwise.

I believe it should be. I've not seen it documented, and you will of course have the issue with the power cables.

>Is this cabinet one of those with the hard-to-find cable for input
>power, that has the strange extra groove?

Generally yes, unless it is the narrow one. Did you go to and look at the BA213 picture? Is that what 
you've got?

>Well, I thought I would ask the strange VAXbuilding questions...(:+}}.
>There has gotta be some way to use this critter!

If nothing else you can use it to trade for more VAX goodies that you can use directly :-)


(I'm serious about the BA123 trade. I've got a couple that I don't know what I'm going to do with them. They are a pain to ship (very large) and they 
generally are missing one thing or another but I'm sure I could  put together a complete one from the two of them)