Subject: Re: VAX 4000/705A
To: Brian Chase <>
From: Michael Kukat <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/29/2001 16:29:51
Hi !

On Sun, 29 Apr 2001, Brian Chase wrote:
> I don't think there's been any support added to the kernel for the VAX
> 4000/705A yet.  If it's similar enough to the some of the other VAX 4000
> series, Michael Kukat will probably be able to add in the support.  You
> likely won't see this in an official release until 1.6--unless they
> back-port the changes into 1.5.1 or maybe 1.5.2.  The 1.5.1 release is
> probably getting pretty close to being baked.

Tadaaa... Very fine box, really very fine. Ok, the official 1.5-kernel doesn't
know about it, but it might be already supported without one of us knowing it.

Please send me the output of the following console commands, then i can try
to create you a kernel

E/I 3e
E/P 20040004

Maybe my recent KA681 support already includes the most.


In TV, there are bluescreens to put a faked reality behind a real played scene,
in Windows, you sometimes see the real scene, when the fakes go out for lunch.