Subject: More VS-2000 Questions
To: NetBSD \"Port-VAX\" Mailing List <>
From: Douglas Meade <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/12/2001 14:46:07
I remember a thread about this topic some time in the last few
months, so forgive me for posting again, but:
I've got some "new" RD54's that I'm using to outfit some
Vaxstation 2000's as NetBSD boxes. I tried last night to
install 1.4.3 on them, thinking that 1.5 may be a little
too slow. The one I was working on netbooted fine, but
didn't see any RD54. I took another bootable NetBSD
1.4.2 RD54 from a uVax II, put it in the box, and it
booted, but also didn't see the drive in the kernel
autoconfig. Therefore, it couldn't get to the point of
mounting root. Is there a kernel that will boot 2000's
with MFM up on the NetBSD server somewhere, or does
someone have one they can point me too? Finally, I seem
to remember that MFM on VS2000 had stopped working at
one point, and then Ragge got it working again. What
version was that where it started working?
Thanks a heap,