Subject: RE: answers and questions, KA692
To: 'Chuck McManis' <>
From: Carlini, Antonio <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/02/2001 12:53:14
> Chuck McManis wrote:
	>Now I'm wondering how those things used to connect "out" to the
real world. 

	Cables would be my guess :-)

	I can probably either find an IPB or go look on one
	we still have kicking around (assuming it has the
	extra SHACs installed).

	>Would someone tell me how I am supposed to dump the SID/SIE bits on
	>things? An E/L 2004004 returns pretty weird results.

	I don't have a console wired up handy to test but:

		E/L/P 20040004

	should get the SIE (aka XSID) ... did you really type  digits? 
	Or did you misreport the hex address in the posting?

		E/I 3E

	should pick up the SID.
