Subject: can I use DSSI drives on my 4000?
To: port-vax <>
From: BrownM03 <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/20/2001 12:24:11
Hi everyone,

I'm getting more _hooked_ on the VAX every day. :))
( So I hope you'll all forgive me for my endless questions :)
Very impressive performance. I've managed to saturate my net
(to and from). I have a coax/cat5 mix and a 10M hub;
most of my win boxes (pentium) can send at ~330K,
netbsd boxen (486) are about 500K (which I was happy with).
But NOW!!!  1 MB/s when ftp from win2k cyrix 300 to VAX !!!
W O W :)

Progress is slow (it's all relative I guess:), but promising.
I now have two SCSI devices connected to the 4000/100
    - Syquest 270M (have 2 disks)
                    (I THINK now bootable with boot/3 - thanks Michael)*
    - Insite Floptical 120M (no disks ... but READs 1.44 floppies)
                    (not working yet ... drive not good condition, etc)

and a DSSI RF35. I actually have 2 of these 825M drives (along with
another 4 RF73 2G drives from an array) however one is marked
RF35/RZ35 which I BELIEVE(d) means dual-mode (doesn't work
on SCSI so I guess not). This drive is VMS 5.5-2H4 bootable and
eventually gets to a login prompt (how do I get around passwords?)
Is this OS past it / recoverable / of "historic" significance?
Should I keep it so that I might eventually have dual boot VMS/NetBSD?

As the DSSI drives don't seem to be detected during a normal netboot,
I assume that there is no support for them (this doesn't sound right).
Is there something special that I need to do to get NetBSD to talk DSSI?

Just to really show my ignorance, I don't really understand this raid-array.
Initially I had assumed that all 6 drives in it were RF/RZ ("dual mode"),
as I only saw 1 sample drive before I got the whole thing.
However, I'm now certain that they are ALL DSSI. How does this work
when the array uses SCSI to plug into the VAX? (or is this something to do
with the back plane?)  I haven't found any tech docs on this sort of thing,
so if anyone can send me doco's to read I'll be forever grateful.

Note: I'd prefer to have one/two of the RF(Z)35's in the VAX, rather than
the array (power consumption!), but if DSSI won't go and the array does
then I don't have the choice.

*Last question: what do the different boot codes do/mean? ie "boot/nnn DEV"
