Subject: Re: creating bootable block device = SyQuest
To: BrownM03 <>
From: Chris Tribo <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/19/2001 18:56:26
On Mon, 19 Mar 2001, BrownM03 wrote:

> The syntax for the disklabel command wasn't right (for starters).
> #disklabel -B sd0 -b /usr/mdec/sdboot -s /usr/mdec/boot
> seems to work ok ... but still hangs on boot (ie. same effect)
> I assume that a two-stage boot is required ... but which file do I
> need for my secondary bootblock?
> Is this something I can just download / compile / ...etc
> Where / how / why ???? (lol ... too many questions?)

	The second stage boot block is simply called "boot" and resides at
the root of the root file system, as well as /usr/mdec. There's nothing
wrong with the installation of the boot blocks, it's just that the boot
blocks them selves are probably bad/broken/corrupt. I believe the
/usr/mdec is part of the base.tgz file. So you'll probably want to grab
the 1.5 base.tgz and pull out /usr/mdec over top of your existing
/usr/mdec with tar or pax. If I had time to fool with my VAX I could post
the second stage block for you. I'll see if I can bring it up when I get
