Subject: Re: KA690 TM?
To: '' <>
From: Carlini, Antonio <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/16/2001 12:31:47
Looks like I screwed up the addressing to the list first time around ...
sorry if you all see this twice!


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Carlini, Antonio 
> Sent:	Friday, March 16, 2001 8:29 PM
> To:	'Lord Isildur'
> Cc:	'''
> Subject:	RE: KA690 TM? 
> Lord Isildur wrote:
> >I've got a ka690, and im trying to get the ka680 support to work on it. 
> >it boots and runs, but crashes. I thought the only difference was (aside 
> >from clock speed) the size of the cache, and i think i'm clearing the 
> >cache properly and making it ready, and i was wondering if anybody had a 
> >ka690 tm to see if there are any other differences. 
> >I just got off the fone with the Q before i posted, they arent aware of 
> >the existence of a TM for the ka690, only the 680... 
> I'm not sure which manual it is that you are offering to swap for a beer
> :-)
> EK-498AB-MG-B01 is KA681/KA691/KA692/KA694 System Maintenance
> but you probably don't want that: 99% of it would not help (unless
> your box is on need of mechanical help) although the memory map
> and NVRAM layout might conceivably be of some use. 
> EK-454AA-MG-01 is KA675/KA680/KA690 CPU System Maintenance.
> It probably does not have the bits you need although it does include
> some details of the ROM console I/O routines and the NVRAM layout.
> It happens to list EK-KA680-TM as the technical manual for all of the
> KA675/KA680/KA690 but I think that is mistaken.
> EK-KA680-TM is the technical manual for the KA680 and nothing else.
> EK-KA680-UP.C01 is the Addendum to the KA680 Technical manual.
> It lists the following differences between the KA675/KA680/KA69x:
> Module   Cycle   Cache
>      KA675    16ns    128KB
>      KA680    14ns    128KB
>      KA690    12ns     512KB
>      KA681    14ns    128KB
>      KA691    12ns     512KB
>      KA692    10ns     2MB
>      Only the KA675 has the VIC disabled.
>      The KA692 cannot use the MS690 32MB module
>      The KA681/KA691/KA692 can have daughter boards added
> 	with further SHACs
>       SID bits 15:8 are encoded as follows (in hex):
> 	07: KA690
>      	0C: KA675
> 	0E: KA681
> 	0F: KA691
> 	10: KA692
> 	128KB  cache uses tag bits  <28:17> and index bits <16:5>
> 	512KB  cache uses tag bits  <28:19> and index bits <18:5>
> 	    2MB  cache uses tag bits  <28:21> and index bits <20:5>
>     Some registers move too:
> 	BCTAG and BCFLUSH are laid out differently to take into account the
> 	varying cache sizes.
> 	KA675/KA680/KA681
> 		BCTAG:	01000000:0101FFE0 (0x20 separation, 4K tags)
> 		BCFLUSH	01400000:0141FFE0 (0x20 separation)
> 	KA690/KA691:
> 		BCTAG:	01000000:0103FFE0 (0x20 separation, 16K tags)
> 		BCFLUSH:	01400000:0143FFE0 (0x20 separation)
> 	KA692:
> 		BCTAG		01000000:0105FFE0 (0x20 separation, 64K
> tags)
> 		BCFLUSH:	01400000:0145FFE0 (0x20 separation)
> The cache size is configured via size bits by the console.
> The manuals claims that fiddling with this is bad so 
> I won't list that.
> BCETAG, Tag Interpretation and BCEDIDX and the backup cache
> tag store all change slightly too.
> There are a few other bits and bobs to do with the console and
> the SHACs (I presume these don't matter yet).
> If COMPAQ cannot find the manual and you are
> keen to extend the port, I can probably copy the
> Addendum (it's about 30 pages or so).
> Antonio