Subject: Re: DECserver 300 questions
To: Matthew Fredette <fredette@MIT.EDU>
From: Michael Kukat <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/14/2001 19:35:32
Hi !
Matthew Fredette wrote:
> > Hm. Is it GPL or just free? Could be interesting, and much easier to
> > write it from scratch :)
> It's GPL'ed. I agree that a new BSD-licensed version would be better.
> I started working with the lin** version for two reasons: faster path
> to getting something useable, and less exposure to hassle over the
> patent.
BSD licensing would be much better. Ok, we have enough GPL-packages in
the pkgsrc tree, so this shouldn't make a problem.
In my first experiments some years ago, i wondered if tcpdumping to find
out the protocol is some kind of reverse engineering? I don't think so.
LAT is patented i think, but does Compaq care too much about this?
Hmm... i'll look a bit deeper in this when i find the time. For now the
baudrate trick works, i don't need to break my VAXen that often :)