Subject: Re: DECserver 300 questions
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/13/2001 18:10:15
>> Have you tried ^P? Isn't that supposed to be interperteted by the
>> VAX as a break?
> I know this from my 4000/300 where i can do "SET CONTROLP 1" to
> enable this feature. But this is the only VAX reacting on ^P.
I'm fairly sure that's not true. Back when I used VAXen at work, one
of them used ^P to break to the console, and I doubt the 4000/300 even
existed back then. I think it was the 780, though it might have been
the 750.
der Mouse
7D C8 61 52 5D E7 2D 39 4E F1 31 3E E8 B3 27 4B