Subject: Re: DECserver 300 questions
To: J. Buck Caldwell <>
From: Michael Kukat <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/13/2001 22:55:35
Hi !

"J. Buck Caldwell" wrote:
> Have you tried ^P? Isn't that supposed to be interperteted by the VAX as a
> break?

I know this from my 4000/300 where i can do "SET CONTROLP 1" to enable
this feature. But this is the only VAX reacting on ^P. Of course i tried
it, and i even wired this key to the BREAK function in the terminal
server, but with no success. It really seems to be thought as a
_TERMINAL_ server, not as a _CONSOLE_ server, as BREAK from the terminal
can be used as disconnect for telnet sessions :)

> Just a thought - I don't have my DECServer 300 running yet, due to a
> detestable lack of MMJ cables.

Just use those modem connectors, RJ11, i got 100m of the cable, 50
connectors and the tool to make my cables for under $50 in germany. And
with a side cutter, just cut away half of the pin and the leading block,
if you work exactly enough, you get a very well MMJ cable which even
locks the connector and doesn't fall out when touching it. Works fine here.
And the DECserver 200/MC has usual 25pin DSub connectors, but only talks
LAT. Nice in combination with a VXT2000 :)
