Subject: Looking for Cheap MMJ Cables
To: NetBSD Vax Port <>
From: J. Buck Caldwell <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/02/2001 09:58:25
My local cable outfit will make me a bunch of 8-footers for $8 each, but
I don't really want to spend that much. I'm looking for 10 8' to 12' MMJ
cables. I need to hook up a VT220, 8 VS3100m38, a VS4060, and a VAX4200
to a DECServer 300. I'd rather have real MMJ cables than just hack up a
bunch of RJ11s, because I don't want the jacks falling out when I'm not
looking, and it isn't worth it to buy a MMJ crimper, because I'll
probably never need more than 16 cables at the outside most.
Thanks for any response.