Subject: Re: An open apology to the NetBSD VAX list
To: NetBSD Bob <>
From: Douglas Meade <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/01/2001 11:21:56
I've heard this now a couple of times: "somebody from the OpenBSD
camp has pissed off NetBSD people really bad".  Sorry to display
my ignorance, but is this something important, or a personal 
vendetta on the part of a few people?  If you'd like to let 
out the full story, either on the mailing list, or by personal
mail, I'd appreciate hearing about it.  

On Wed, 28 Feb 2001, NetBSD Bob wrote:

> One of the NetBSD list remarked:
> > Please, keep the OpenBSD discussions on their mailing lists. There are
> > quite a lot people that have been handled real bad by OpenBSD and may
> > feel bad if you try to discuss OpenBSD here. Please try not to offend
> > people even if it is by accident by mentioning OpenBSD.

I don't remember reading any guidelines about the list as to not
mentioning OpenBSD.  I do read DaemonNews from time to time, which
at least used to be linked to from the main NetBSD site, and I 
have read several discussions about the state of the Free/Open/Net
BSD split, and the advantages and disadvantages of working this 
way as opposed to something like Linux.  Speaking of Linux, people
discuss Linux on this list.  They discuss VMS.  There is even the 
occasional discussion of Winxx/DOS.  So, what's wrong with bringing
up OpenBSD?

Personally, I'm intrigued as well by the fact that they have 
a disk image that will boot from floppy.  That, the tape boot,
and the failure of the TK50 on SCSI have been a few issues that 
I've raised since joining this group almost two years ago, that
haven't been resolved yet in NetBSD.  I think competition, and 
more brains working on the hardware and software issues is 
always better.  Let's only hope that personal animosities
don't get in the way of letting contributions from the 
OpenBSD "camp" get folded back into NetBSD, and vice-versa.

I say, kudos to Bob for bringing this up, and I'm gonna 
go over and grab that distribution and try it out.
