Subject: Re: An open apology to the NetBSD VAX list
To: NetBSD Bob <>
From: Brian Hechinger <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/01/2001 07:45:39
NetBSD Bob drunkenly mumbled...
> One of the NetBSD list remarked:
> > Please, keep the OpenBSD discussions on their mailing lists. There are
> > quite a lot people that have been handled real bad by OpenBSD and may
> > feel bad if you try to discuss OpenBSD here. Please try not to offend
> > people even if it is by accident by mentioning OpenBSD.
i don't know who said this, and honestly i don't really care. there is
absolutely nothing wrong with what Bob posted. he did not ask questions
about OpenBSD, he did not do anything other than compare "features" in NetBSD
to OpenBSD. if someone in the OpenBSD group was mean to you and you want to
whine about it, go join a Linux mailing list. otherwise, keep this nonsense
to yourself.
> If I have offended anyone, intentionally or otherwise, please accept
> my apologies. But, that aside, I would offer the following......
i don't think you should have to apologize. so don't.