Subject: VAX 4000-100 + NetBSD newbie = HELP !
To: port-vax <>
From: BrownM03 <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/27/2001 12:16:47
I'll apologise in advance for such a long [first] message,
(must be a dialup thing :)
Well, I guess I'm impressed !
I've managed to find a VAX 4000-100 at an auction for a few $
Nice case (BA42B), SCSI, Ethernet, ...heaps of ports.
Never seen anything like it !!
what a beautiful machine :)
ie. full of (mostly) unfamiliar bits & pieces
128MB RAM and SCSI cables everywhere!
particularly noticeable as there are no HDD's :(
I've never seen a VAX before ... yep ... you guessed it ...
only play with cheap junk. :( (mostly i386)
So far, I've made a cable to connect the MMJ console port to the
RS232 port on a VT330 terminal and had a browse around the commands
using HELP.
hmmm ... so no hard drives :((
BUT it has CDROM, and I can connect a Syquest 270MB drive to external
SCSI port (but only one or the other for some reason (?????))
(I may have 1 or 2 old 40MB scsi drives too ... would they help?)
[startup messages]
KA52A v2.6, VMB 2.15
74..73.. (and so on)
Tests Completed
Loading system software
(BOOT/R5:0 DIA5)
PC = 00000F39
Bootstrap failure
OK, this is good (right?) it just doesn't have a boot device, so ...
[SHOW DEV command without Syquest connected]
DSSI Bus 0 Node 7 (*)
SCSI Adapter A, SCSI ID 6
-DKA100 (DEC RRD42)
Ethernet Adapter
-EZA0 (08-00-2B-3E-8E-D3)
From my browsing in the last 2/3 days I understand the easiest way to
is by setting up NFS and MOP servers on a *nix/BSD box ...
but I figured that I could easily write a vax-bootable cd and install that
or even write the image directly to the Syquest drive from a Redhat box.
(Can I boot from the Syquest?)
I've had a look at all the cd images I could find to date, but results from
BOOT command haven't been promising (at least the drive whirs! lol)
>>>BOOT DKA100
(BOOT / R5:0 DKA100)
1.. 0..
and then it locks :(
What's next? What do I do? Where do I go?
Should I stop wasting my time with the cd/syquest install options?
or just go MOP/NFS?
I've searched through the mail archives, browsed ftp & http
and I can't find anything about the 2000-02-04 announcement re 4000-100
and just to top it off ... I haven't rolled my own *nix/bsd cd (yet)
but then I haven't lived :)
I guess I've got another year's worth of reading :)) lol
Would any of you guys be able to help me out?
(or point me in the right direction?)