Subject: Re: Monthly Job, once-only: How?
To: Bruce Lane <>
From: Michael Kukat <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/25/2001 19:56:22
Hi !

On Sun, 25 Feb 2001, Bruce Lane wrote:
> 	I have a job in my crontab that I want to run once only on the 25th day of
> every month. The entry (NetBSD 1.5) looks like this.
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- <break> 
> # 50     *       25      *       *       /usr/local/apache/conf/rc.monthly
   minute hour    day    month    weekday
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- <break>
> 	The reason it's commented out right now is because I discovered it was
> running at 50 minutes past every hour on this day (which is indeed the 25th).
> 	I only want the job to run ONCE on the 25th, every month. Is this even
> possible with cron? Perhaps I need to use at or batch?

So, set a "0" after the "50", or any other hour you want this to run. Your line
means "on the 25th every month, on minute 50 in every hour, do this"

crontab(5) sais:
              field          allowed values
              -----          --------------
              minute         0-59
              hour           0-23
              day of month   1-31
              month          1-12 (or names, see below)
              day of week    0-7 (0 or 7 is Sun, or use names)

       A  field  may  be an asterisk (*), which always stands for


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in Windows, you sometimes see the real scene, when the fakes go out for lunch.