Subject: Re: DSSI update
To: Chuck McManis <>
From: Todd Vierling <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/06/2001 20:46:41
On Tue, 6 Feb 2001, Chuck McManis wrote:

: >So the question is:  does your "dssibus" do the MSCP protocol encapsulation
: >and decapsulation, or does the controller take that work away from you?  If
: >the former case, it should share that encap/decap code by attaching a
: >"mscpbus" instead.
: The controller sends packets to nodes, it doesn't care particularly what is
: in them. Similar to a network controller.

However, you're addressing the nodes on the chain as mass media entities,
not network interfaces -- unless you also intend to have host-host
communication devices (which should have their own device attachment into
the standard NetBSD network subsystem, of course).

: >The networking subsystem is very different from the disk subsystem in
: >NetBSD, so this isn't really relevant.
: Except that DSSI is a networking subsystem,

But in this case DSSI is not part of the NetBSD *network interface*
subsystem.  USB and SCSI are also examples of networking systems with
different underlying link protocols, but neither is inherently a network
interface from NetBSD's point of view.

-- Todd Vierling <>  *  Wasabi NetBSD:  Run with it.
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