Subject: Re: decstation 5000/240 keyboard goes WHERE?
To: Marc Jasner <>
From: leo herranen <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/05/2001 22:15:08
At 16:06 5.2.2001 -0500, you wrote:
>Recently (ok, this morning!) I got my hands on a VRT19-DA... VERY
>big/heavy/nice monitor... Now i don' thave a keyboard! I have one to test
>things with, but where does it plug in. ALl i see is a 15 pin port. I
>borrowed the cable off of a decstation 3000, along with it's keyboard and
>mouse, but that doesn't seem to work.
>I have a cable at home that appears to be 15-pin to 3bnc, keyboard, and
>mouse, but that doesn't work either, plus i want to use the addon video
>card, not the one that the 15 pin gives you.
You should get a cable which has the 15 pin connector in one end and
keyboard and mouse in the other. Mine's a...hey! there's no DECronym on
this one... Well, anyway, the kb type is LK201 (AFAIK the VT220 uses the
LK201 too) and
the mouse is VSXXX-AA... There's no video signal coming from the 15pin
thingy so you'll have to get a 3w3 cable too...
Leo Herranen| DEC BC09J olis tarpeen
a.k.a lXa |"mouse button: One of the buttons on a mouse pointing
------------| device. Mouse buttons can be pressed, released,
dragged, clicked, and double-clicked." -OSF/Motif Programmer's Guide