Subject: Re: KDA50?
To: Tom Parker <>
From: Kenn Humborg <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/04/2001 17:31:27
On Mon, Feb 05, 2001 at 04:04:46AM +1200, Tom Parker wrote:
> Johnny Billquist <> wrote:
> >I don't know if the switches for a KDA50 is documented anywhere on the
> >net. Try searching. I don't do much Q-bus stuff myself, being a Unibus
> >fan, so I can't help on this one.
> I have searched fairly exhaustively and not found much. I found the archive of
> this group at geocrawler, but that only goes back to 1999. The archives at
> go back further but don't seem to be searchable, beyond using
> external search engines.

From my KDA50 user manual:

Hold the M7164 board with the LEDs & ribbon cable connectors upwards
and the Qbus edge connectors down.  The block of 10 dip switches sets
the bus address.

The left-most switch is S1 (and corresponds to address bit 11) and the 
right-most is S10 (and corresponds to address bit 2).

To set the address to 172150, the switches should be (from left to

   A11 A10  A9  A8  A7  A6  A5  A4  A3  A2
    S1  S2  S3  S4  S5  S6  S7  S8  S9 S10

   off  on off off off  on  on off  on off

Hope this helps.
