Subject: Re: More raining VAXentoyz -- VAXstation 3200 today
To: Matt Thomas <>
From: NetBSD Bob <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/26/2001 12:25:59
> >Looking at the label on the front of the thing and
> >it says VAXstation 3200. It has a TK70 tape, and unknown boards.
> >
> >Anyone know what this VAXstation 3200 critter really is?
> >MicroVAX III thing? KA650?
> KA650 + QDSS. Probably QNA/LQA in there as well. Not bad for $5.
Is the QDSS supported on NetBSD? I have the grapics cable, but th
graphics cable (about 20 feet long), and have some DEC monitors and
keyboards at home that probably might work.
Any idea as to what might be inside for the HD and HD controller board?
I just hope it is not one of those mfm critters. ESDI would be OK.