Subject: boot times, another datapoint
To: None <>
From: Chuck McManis <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/04/2001 15:45:51
I picked up another KA660 so that I could use it for DSSI development and
as I've got the K640 all set up, and they use the same memory, I decided to
try a test and time the boot times.
The system config is as follows:
BA213 Pedestal containing:
KA640 (MV3400 CPU,4MB RAM, 1K cache, 2.7VUPS)
MS650-BA (16 MB)
MS650-BA (16 MB)
CXYA16 (16 port async mux)
CQD-440/TM (MSCP SCSI Interface)
TQK70 (TK70 Tape controller)
UC07 (Emulex SCSI Interface)
This boots the Generic kernel from 1.5 Release in 5:24 (5 minutes, 24 seconds)
Then I replaced the KA640 with the KA660 (VAX 4000/200 CPU, no RAM, 6K
Cache, 5VUP) and timed it again, this time 01:45 (1 minute, 45 seconds)
So not quite twice the CPU but less than half the boot time. I'm wondering
if the cache is the difference. (1K vs 6K ?)