Subject: Re: Any NetBSD installations on VAX 11/{780,750,730} systems?
To: Brian Chase <>
From: chris <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/31/2000 18:10:58
Brian Chase wrote:
> Just a question to be asked out of idle curiosity... Is anyone on this
> list running NetBSD (any version of it) on one of the earlier VAX systems?
> Given the recent discussion threads on the 1.5 release performing less
> than wonderfully on slower hardware like the 0.9 MIPS MicroVAX-II, I'm
> curious about it's usability on the ever slower VAX 11/750 and 11/730.
I have a nice VAX11/750 on which I'm trying to get NetBSD1.4.1 running. I
haven't had much success yet. The kernel seems to have a problem with the
MASSBUS controller. The system has about 5MB memory. I'm not sure if this
another problem. I didn't make it to multi-/single user mode.
If there are people who are using NetBSD on these machines it would be nice
to have a little exchange of experience. I think we need a extra small kernel
in the standard NetBSD releases for these "small" systems.
Cheers - Chris