Subject: Re: Any NetBSD installations on VAX 11/{780,750,730} systems?
To: David Brownlee <>
From: Anders Magnusson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/29/2000 13:57:06
> We also have X on the Microvax 2000, plus its own unique
> built in MFM controller.
Well, I fixed support for the MFM controller ~6 months ago, and I have just
found a bug with mmap'ing framebuffers so hopefully I can check in real
monochrome X support soon :-)
> You could also include full X support for the QDSS and QVSS
> video cards, plus (optionally) virtual consoles. I'm sure NetBSD
This is also on the way. QVSS support is trivial and I plan to use
the same driver for QDSS as for the 4- and 8-bitplans card on 2000/3100
machines (all of them uses the dragon chipset).
-- Ragge