Subject: Re: fun with SCSI, not.
To: Chuck McManis <>
From: Jon Lindgren <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/29/2000 06:48:24
On Fri, 29 Dec 2000, Chuck McManis wrote:


> thing is slower than a pig in winter. To test it I try dd if=/dev/zero 
> of=zero.file bs=512 count=5242880 (create a 10MB file of zeros) I finally 
> kill it after it has written about half and dd reports 94651 bytes/second 
> (yes boys and girls that is 94K bytes/second)
> For comparison on the CQD-440/TM that is the primary MSCP controller I get 
> from DD
> 107K bytes/second (same disk type)
> This is on a MicroVAX 3400. It seems way to slow to me. (by further 
> comparison I get over 1MB/second on my 4000/90) So is Q-bus 10x slower than 
> a local SCSI disk?


On my 4000/200 with a CMD CQD-220-TM, I get about the same transfer
rate.  I don't have any other cards in there, so I couldn't have messed up
the ever so critical card ordering...

I figured that the transfer rate would be slow, but I didn't think it
would be _that_ slow.

 "Trout are freshwater fish, and have underwater weapons."
 "Zing, zing zing zing!"
 "Keep away from the trout."
 -- The opinions expressed are not necesarily those of my employer --
 "Who stole my lawn?"