Subject: Re: rc.d (some debates never die :-) (Re: NetBSD 1.5 on uVAX II (Questions)
To: None <>
From: Jay Maynard <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/27/2000 22:28:20
On Wed, Dec 27, 2000 at 08:22:09PM -0800, Chuck McManis wrote:
> That said, I don't like or dislike the current rc.d/ system, I only share
> my observations with others that it places an excessive burden on less
> powerful compute platforms. Is that burden to much? Certainly that is a
> subjective question which can only be answered subjectively. Is that burden
> sufficient to prevent adoption of 1.5 on some platforms, the answer is
> clearly yes to that question.
This is a simple design tradeoff, of the kind computer systems designers
make daily. In general, if you can trade something for code that's executed
once, it's a good trade. How often do you boot a system? Yes, that
vries...but what are we trying to build here, a playtoy, or a
production-quality OS that you can depend on to be there when others are
crashing around our ears? There's a reason the one system I run that others
depend on day-in and day-out is a NetBSD box. I'll put up with the BSDisms
(my fingers are hardwired to do "ps -ef", and it drives me nuts) to get a
real, live, production-quality system. Anything that improves system
reliability and serviceability is a Good THing in my book. It should be, in
the judgment of the designers, as well - or else we're just building a toy.