Subject: Re: NetBSD 1.5 on uVAX II (Questions)
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/27/2000 19:32:50
>> This is one of the prices of the breaking the traditional /etc/rc
>> boot script that was done.
> yet another reason to ask 'why on earth did they do that?' I had a
> large argument with several folks on port-alpha where this became a
> big issue a while back.
Yeah, it became a big issue various places. Rather than drag it out
again, though, I'd recommend people read what was said then, in the
archives; resaying the same things isn't likely to help anything.
> personally i keep a tarball of some 1.3 vintage rc scripts and just
> trash the rc.d stuff and unroll the old stuff on newer systems,
Me, I just stopped updating at 1.4T (a 2000-02-19 source tree). I'm
still on the lists in part because NetBSD hasn't yet drifted so far
that they're useless to me and in part because I still use NetBSD at
work. I'll probably leave entirely in a while (FSVO "a while"; it's
been ten months so far) if the direction change doesn't get reversed.
der Mouse
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