Subject: Re: NetBSD 1.5 on uVAX II (Questions)
To: NetBSD Bob <>
From: Lord Isildur <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/27/2000 19:30:04
reno or tahoe boot blocks work fine, from the PUPS archive.
The machine ( in case the nameserver is
flaky) is running tahoe on a uvII, with a CMD scsi adapter (with
the fixed driver, thanks!) , the boot blocks there should boot quasijarus
just fine. i never got quasijarus to boot on its own either! (i just
loaded reno from ultrix and then went back from reno to tahoe on my first
4.3-ified microVAX) feel free to grab anything you need from cmuccvax
user/pass guest/guest
i'm building a generic kernel with ka630 support now, noting the
slowness, it shoudl be several hours before it's done- somebody asked for one
a few days ago...
happy hacking,
On Wed, 27 Dec 2000, NetBSD Bob wrote:
> > At 01:42 PM 12/26/00 -0500, NetBSD Bob wrote:
> > >p.s. Can someone confirm that the 3 headed ESDI bus cable has NO twists
> > > like the PC version, and that the usual drive ID's are 0/1/2 on the
> > > DQ696 Dilogic ESDI controller? Are there any rom things that need
> > > setting like on the SCSI controllers off that little 10 pin port?
> >
> > No twists, my 696 only supports two drives though. The last drive does need
> > to be terminated. There is a jumper on the board that allows you to get
> > into the firmware by typing:
> > >>>b dua9
> Great to know that dua9 bit.
> My controller is a revision F thing with 3 data cable connectors plus
> the main bus connector plus the terminal i/o connector (I think that is
> what they all are). If the third data cable connector is not for a 3rd
> drive, what might it be for? I have no docs on the critter (as usual).
> > Which I found extremely clever of Dilog. You can also talk to it on the
> > async port (useful for PDP-11's) You must reformat the drive using the
> > Dilog controller as it will write some useful bits on the drive so to be
> > recognized later on.
> OK. My one drive that I have that came with it (a 300mb maxtor thing)
> must be formatted correctly, since it ran up an ultrix tape. I have
> now loaded Quasijarus 4.3 BSD on it for some testing, and it runs OK,
> but I can't decipher what are the correct boot blocks to use from
> the 4.3 era. The raboot did not work, and likewise the kraboot, but,
> I originally had a NetBSD-1.4.3 boot block on it and that worked the
> first time. I may try that again. It will boot off tape, though and
> then bring up the main system, in a pinch. The drives come up via
> dmesg as ra80 drives, so I was thinking the raboot would work, but
> not quite. Oh, well.....
> My spare esdi drives (Sun things ... Micropolis 1355's) will probably
> need dilog formatting, I am assuming?
> Thanks
> Bob