Subject: Re: Earliest VAX port?
To: Lord Isildur <>
From: NetBSD Bob <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/27/2000 17:25:43
> I'm pretty sure some pre-1.0's ran on VAX. The uvII was supported in 
> 4.3BSD and all the code was still there foe 4.3t, reno, and 4.4. net1&2 
> and pals, so i dont see why pre-1.0 netbsd wouldnt run on it. 
> i remember (it's a foggy memory now) some pre-1.0 netbsd running on an HP 
> 9000/300 i now use as an end table.. :-) 
> 1.0A is pretty far back though! 

Well, I was looking for the earliest closest code to the 4.3 stuff,
and see if I could backport from that to 4.3.  As it turns out, it
appears there are some hacks required in the 4.3 boot and kernel int
code to get it up and running correctly on the MVII.  So far, I have
Quasijarus0a-4.3BSD up and running, but it does not boot except from
calling up by the tape boot, and that is only on the DQ696 esdi type
controller.  The SQ706A scsi controller does nothing, yet, except boot
if I use the NetBSD 1.0A boot blocks.  I need to try to fix the bootblocks
in Quasijarus, tonight, or borrow the NetBSD 1.0A boot blocks, and see
if I can get a fully running machine up.

> happy hacking,
> isilur (catching up with about 350 messages here now :)

Happily so-doing, .....
