Subject: Re: NetBSD 1.5 on uVAX II (Questions)
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/26/2000 12:54:44
> [1.5] takes about 5 times as long [as what? it's not clear] to boot,

I'm not surprised.  This is one of the prices of the breaking the
traditional /etc/rc boot script that was done.  It might be interesting
to try 1.4.x boot scripts on an otherwise 1.5 system.

> My sense is still that 1.4.x is the end of the line on the
> oldenVAXencrates pushing 1.0 and under speeds (MVII, 780, 750, 730,
> etc.).  [...]  I know, they are dinosuars.  But they are fun
> dinosaurs, and are our heritage.

Yeah...I've been wondering what to do with mine.  I'm currently running
1.4T diskless on a uVII.  I've been wanting to do OS research of a more
fundamental sort than things like UVM...a VAX is probably good hardware
to do it on, since it's the only architecture I know thoroughly, from
top to bottom.

					der Mouse

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