Subject: Re: faster compiling
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/21/2000 00:21:54
>> [...cross-compile...]

> And if you're not ready to reinstall your system with NetBSD/i386,
> you *might* trying running NetBSD/i386 under plex86 [...].  I think
> this would be a lot easier than getting a NetBSD/vax toolchain
> running natively under Linux/i386.

Actually, I've been working on a user-level VAX emulator, somewhat a la
evax, so that I can run the VAX toolchain binaries on non-VAX hardware.
If/when I get JIT compilation to native code added, it may even run
fast enough to be useful. :-)

> Just an idea.  [...]  Or if you've already got it or want it, you
> might try it using plex86's commercial equivalent, VMware
> (

FWIMBW, I've seen NetBSD/i386 running under VMware under Windows/Intel,
and it seemed to Just Work....

					der Mouse

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