Subject: Re: Booting 3100 VAXen from 9 track tapes (how?)
To: NetBSD Bob <>
From: Peter Svensson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/20/2000 01:31:21
On Tue, 19 Dec 2000, NetBSD Bob wrote:

> 2.  Is there a particular incantation to do this (I tried b, b/1, b/2,
>     b/3, etc, all to no avail.... and it should boot off the first file)?

It sounds like you havn't been able to get the tape moving yet. I don't
have the manuals here to help you with that. I do however seem to remember
that vax:en boot from the second file on the tape which should be a
512-byte-sectored bootblock. I think the first one is reserved for an ANSI
tape label. Perhaps I confuse some pdp:s with vaxen. :-)

Peter Svensson      ! Pgp key available by finger, fingerprint:
<>    ! 8A E9 20 98 C1 FF 43 E3  07 FD B9 0A 80 72 70 AF
<> !
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