Subject: RE: PDP-11 thoughts
To: None <>
From: A. Wik <>
List: port-vax
Date: 11/22/2000 01:21:57
> > have some granularity to it. You cannot protect parts of the memory, and
> > the code/data still have to be contigous, wherever it happens to be
> > located. Also, I believe anyone can play with the segment registers, they
> > are in no way protected agains manipulation.
> The 80x86s (386 and above) add all sorts of other weirdness).

The 80286 has memory protection too.  It can address 16 MB of memory, but
it's still a 16-bit CPU, and the maximum segment size is still 64K.  As a
matter of fact, large portions of Win9x run in 16-bit protected mode.
