Subject: Re: DecServer 200/MC
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-vax
Date: 11/16/2000 16:54:58
>> We should really get LAT and DECnet running on NetBSD. :-)
> Yeah, especially given that we actually support a lot of the DEC
> systems, VAX, PMAX, and Alpha. Someone already mentioned the latd
> daemon under Linux. How hard could it be to port it to NetBSD? :-)
I'm not sure I want to find out. :-) But years ago, I started to add
DECnet support to 4.3; I don't know if I still have any of the code I
generated then, but as I recall it wouldn't be too complicated a task
(given, of course, wire-protocol docs - what's DECnet up to by now,
Phase 5 or 6 or something?)
der Mouse
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