Subject: Re: MV2 speeds on various NetBSD VAX releases
To: Ken Wellsch <>
From: Lord Isildur <>
List: port-vax
Date: 11/06/2000 13:29:30
> As I recall from the 'old days' that 4.3BSD did not have TK50 support.
> Heck, for all I remember it may not even have had uVAX-II support B^).
> I think the copy of RENO I had running on a uVAX-II did gronk the TK50.
> Getting the tape to stream is a nice feature and a measure of performance
> I guess...

4.3 supported the TK50, as well as the KA630, but could not boot from the 
TK50. There was a complicated procedure for getting 4.3 onto a microVAX. 
this is also true for tahoe. It basically required one to have some kind 
of UNIX on the machine already, usually meaning Ultrix, or else a larger 
9track drive in the thing, nto too common for a uvII to sport :-) 
Reno did make it much easier to boot from TK50 and also has support for 
the KA650, which has only recently been added to 4.3. 

> I hope you should be able to get 1200 baud on your DHV!  Back in the 1.0/1.1
> days a DHV was my 'life-line' to my uVAX-II - the only method I had for
> transferring NetBSD release data - so I would transfer 30Mb via kermit...
> and I ran the line at top speed which is something like 19.2Kb I think.

a DHV11 can do 38400, not just 19.2. now, if you have all 8 lines 
blazing at 38.4 on a uvII, the machine will feel it, but one line is not
bad, and it's nice for a modem or a terminal. 

> > Also, I want to find a 9 track reel tape for it (the table-top flat one
> > that I think is a TU81 or something like that) and and a Qbus interface
> > card so I can write some antique 9 track unix tapes.  Someday.....

I have a TU78 you can have.. not exactly table-top, though *grin*
are you anywhere near pittsburgh, PA? 

> I was surprised how quickly 9-track tapes vanished.  Keep an eye out
> for such a unit!  9-track tapes are a bit awkward and the drives can
> be a bit of a pain... compared with today's tiny backup stuff.

 yeah.. i back up my uv3600 on DATs :) they look very cute next to a nice 
sized VAX (never mind how silly a dat tape woud look next to an 8800 or 

the TU78 offer is general to all. It is alleged to be in working condition, 
or at least was working when it was decommissioned before i got it, it is 
large and heavy and i am never going to use it, it is in very nice 
cosmetic shape, and is free to a good home, but anyone who wants it has 
to pick it up in pittsburgh. 

happy hacking,