Subject: Re: FYI: errors in build for 1.5 beta
To: Matt Thomas <>
From: Chuck McManis <>
List: port-vax
Date: 11/04/2000 17:10:52
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

At 05:05 PM 11/4/00 -0800, Matt Thomas wrote:
         2) run.c and util.c in the sysinst directory had problems compiling
>>                 so the install stuff didn't build.
>>2)  didn't have that problem.

Could be a build environment problem, my generated version of menu_defs.h 
has defines the opt_action as a int (*func)(void) and the functions were 
defined to take pointers.
I got it to build, diffs attached, but it is probably just a patch until I 
try it again on the 1.5B system.


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Index: run.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/basesrc/distrib/utils/sysinst/run.c,v
retrieving revision
diff -c -r1.30.4.2 run.c
*** run.c	2000/10/18 17:51:15
--- run.c	2000/11/05 01:04:48
*** 72,87 ****
  char* va_prog_cmdstr __P((const char *cmd, va_list ap));
  int launch_subwin __P((WINDOW *actionwin, char **args, struct winsize *win, int display));
! int log_flip __P((menudesc *));
! int script_flip __P((menudesc *));
  #define BUFSIZE 4096
! char log_text[2][30] = {"Logging: Off", "Scripting: Off"};
  menu_ent logmenu [2] = {
! 	{ log_text[0], OPT_NOMENU, 0, log_flip},
! 	{ log_text[1], OPT_NOMENU, 0, script_flip} };
--- 72,89 ----
  char* va_prog_cmdstr __P((const char *cmd, va_list ap));
  int launch_subwin __P((WINDOW *actionwin, char **args, struct winsize *win, int display));
! int log_flip __P((void));
! int script_flip __P((void));
  #define BUFSIZE 4096
! char  log_text[2][30] = {"Logging: Off", "Scripting: Off"};
  menu_ent logmenu [2] = {
! 	{ &(log_text[0][0]), OPT_NOMENU, 0, 
! 		log_flip},
! 	{ &(log_text[1][0]), OPT_NOMENU, 0, 
! 		script_flip} };
*** 103,109 ****
! log_flip(menudesc *m)
  	time_t tloc;
--- 105,111 ----
! log_flip()
  	time_t tloc;
*** 129,135 ****
! script_flip(menudesc *m)
  	time_t tloc;
--- 131,137 ----
! script_flip()
  	time_t tloc;

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Index: util.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/basesrc/distrib/utils/sysinst/util.c,v
retrieving revision
diff -c -r1.51.2.3 util.c
*** util.c	2000/10/18 17:51:16
--- util.c	2000/11/05 01:04:59
*** 915,930 ****
  static char *tz_default;	/* UTC, or whatever /etc/localtime points to */
  static char tz_env[STRSIZE];
   * Callback from timezone menu
  static int
! set_timezone_select(menudesc *m)
  	time_t t;
- 	if (m)
- 		tz_selected = m->opts[m->cursel].opt_name;
  	snprintf(tz_env, sizeof(tz_env), "%s/%s",
  		 zoneinfo_dir, tz_selected);
  	setenv("TZ", tz_env, 1);
--- 915,930 ----
  static char *tz_default;	/* UTC, or whatever /etc/localtime points to */
  static char tz_env[STRSIZE];
+ static int set_timezone_select __P((void));
   * Callback from timezone menu
  static int
! set_timezone_select()
  	time_t t;
  	snprintf(tz_env, sizeof(tz_env), "%s/%s",
  		 zoneinfo_dir, tz_selected);
  	setenv("TZ", tz_env, 1);
*** 940,946 ****
  static void
  timezone_sig(int sig)
! 	set_timezone_select(NULL);
--- 940,946 ----
  static void
  timezone_sig(int sig)
! 	set_timezone_select();
*** 1035,1041 ****
  	menu_no = new_menu(NULL, tz_menu, nfiles, 23, 9,
  			   "\nPlease consult the install documents.");
  	if (menu_no < 0) {
  		return 1;	/* error - skip timezone setting */
--- 1035,1041 ----
  	menu_no = new_menu(NULL, tz_menu, nfiles, 23, 9,
! 			   12, 32, MC_SCROLL, NULL, NULL,
  			   "\nPlease consult the install documents.");
  	if (menu_no < 0) {
  		return 1;	/* error - skip timezone setting */

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