Subject: S L O O O O W MV2 source tarball unrolling?????
To: None <>
From: NetBSD Bob <>
List: port-vax
Date: 10/25/2000 10:10:56
I was unrolling the source tarballs of current on an MV2 last night,
and started the tar -xpzf yadayada thing, and 7 hours later it was
still spinning the head actuator motor back and forth and back and
forth.  An abort and a check of the thing indicated it had unrolled
only about half after 7 hours.  I know an MV2 is slow, but this is
entirely rediculous, at best.  Does it normally take this long, or
should I unroll from unzipped tarballs on a separate HD for speed.
Or, should I unroll on my M76 and selectively port back only the
desired VAXbits or NFS mount or ....?

Any insights appreciated.

Out of curiosity, I ran up 1.4.1 originally on the beast, and it
was relatively fast.  The 1.5A1 suite seems much slower by comparison.
Any idea of what might be going on?  Boots and shutdowns are very
significantly slower.

Would I be better off compiling an MV2 stripped down kernel on the
M76 and then porting it over to the MV2?

Yeah, I know, it ain't no speedwagon.  But, it does seem slower than
my grandkid's Red Flyer wagon, for sure.....(:+}}...

