Subject: Re: DHQ11
To: Chuck McManis <>
From: Anders Magnusson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 10/07/2000 10:01:32
If the DHQ is a version of the DHV then it should work with NetBSD;
the driver is not sensible for the problems described (and it do not
force any DATIO cycles :-) 
If the DHQ is a version of the DH-11 then there is no driver for it.
Another good common multiport card is the DHV-11 (uses DMA, preferable)
or the DZQ-11.

-- Ragge

> This wasn't a good enough explanation?
> <>
> --Chuck
> At 12:56 AM 10/7/00 +0000, Eric Smith wrote:
> >Is the DHQ11 (M3107) supported?
> >
> >I notice that DEC claimed that the DHQ11 was not supported with the
> >MicroVAX III (KA650) upgrade:
> >
> >
> >
> >Anyone know why?  I upgraded my VAXstation II/GPX to a KA655 CPU
> >(and MS650 memory), and it has a DHQ11, but I haven't yet tried to
> >use the latter.
> >
> >If the DHQ11 isn't supported (or won't work with the KA655), is there
> >a common DEC multiport that is supported and that I should look for?
> >
> >Thanks!
> >Eric