Subject: Re: Now Ive gone and done it
To: Brian Chase <>
From: NetBSD Bob <>
List: port-vax
Date: 10/05/2000 12:51:56
> On Thu, 5 Oct 2000, Andrew Sporner wrote:
> > I may be dreaming, but I had an RF-71 running NetBSD on
> > 1.4.2. Perhaps it is because it was running on a controller
> > that was not on the CPU? It might be better to say that the
> > onboard DSSI controllers aren't supported, rather than the
> > stand-along DSSI controller that I had.
> If the standalone controller presented the disks as MSCP devices, then
> that would explain them being supported. Many (most?) of the Q-bus based
> disk controllers bridge between the native bus of the disk drives to MSCP.
> -brian.
So, does that mean, that I CAN use the dssi drives in my MV3400, IFF
I find a different DSSI controller, on NetBSD?
If so, which controller board do I need to look out for? KQFSA(?)?
And, which version(s) of NetBSD to load for this?