Subject: Help with error codes
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-vax
Date: 08/13/2000 17:51:04
Help! My poor uVax 3300 has been power-off for a while, I finally got the 
ac for the room fixed, and 1.4 Gig of DSSI drive in a pedestal for the 
thing. Now, I power on and get the following (Register dump snipped for 
space, comments in parentheses are mine, from the test list)


?5B 2 04 FF 00 0003			( SII_registers )
<snip regs>


?5E 2 01 FF 00 0004			( NI_memory )
<snip regs>


?5F 2 0C FF 00 0005			 ( NI_Test )
<snip regs>

Normal operation not possible.

At this point, I cannot netboot (esa0) or attempt to boot of the HD (dia0).

Can anyone provide more information on these errors, or even better, info 
AND a fix?