Subject: Re: Vax 4000/300 - questions and such
To: None <>
From: M J Dowden <>
List: port-vax
Date: 08/11/2000 19:54:06
At 6:37 PM -0500 8/11/2000, Joe Flood wrote:
>Now for some questions:
>Is the pinout for the console the same as VS3100s?
I don't know, but I connect my MMJ cable via a H8575-A adapter to
an ordinary modem cable. It works fine at 9600 bps.
>I seem to remember hearing that the internal disks are DSSI. Are those
>things usable in any way shape or form with NetBSD?
NetBSD will not see them. Of course, that CAN be an asset: you
could put VMS on the DSSI disk, NetBSD on an external SCSI disk and
they would coexist (remember to turn off the SCSI disk when running
>About how much heat do these things throw out?
A maximum of 2903 BTU per hour (per the 1996 Systems and Options
catalog listing for the VAX 4000-505 and -705).