Subject: Re: Help - need to identify/obtain a DEC cable
To: Jon Lindgren ,Chuck McManis <>
From: Chuck McManis <>
List: port-vax
Date: 08/10/2000 18:42:19
At 06:05 AM 8/10/00 -0400, Jon Lindgren wrote:
>I've got a 4000/200 at home which has a similar type of connector.  No
>paddle board, tho - there is a 50 pin connector (a la scsi) which goes
>from the DSSI connector on the KA660 to a socket above, where the drives
>are.  From there, a 50 pin ribbon cable snakes its way about, connecting
>to wary devices, finally ending up at a male 50 pin honda (reverse from
>scsi - no mistakes there ;-)

This isn't the same cable then. On the BA440 (or perhaps it is the BA430) 
the disks are in what look like half carriers. The disk power and signals 
plug into the carrier and the 10 pin connector goes to the front where 
there is a unit plug and the write protect/enable switches. Then each 
carrier, which has a card edge on its "back" slides into the top of the 
BA440 chassis and plugs into a backplane that is installed there.

This picture on ebay <> 
shows what the carrier looks like.

Now on the 4000/300 and above, the CPU plugs into a long paddle card that 
goes in between the memory cards and the CPU, but on the 4000/200 there are 
Q-bus slots all the way across until you get to one slot next to slot 1 
(slot 0?) that is where the paddle card goes. I'm going to have to look at 
it closely to see if perhaps the KFQSA cable to bulkhead might be pressed 
into service. I don't think the honda connector on the paddle board is the 
standard trapezoid type, I believe it has a rectangular array of pins (but 
closer together than .1" spacing)
